Social Business Angels Group (NPO)
社會天使- 慈善公益組織
I. [Group Vision] : 組織願景
Lift People From Hunger to Hope,
and Let us all immerse ourselves
In the joyful embrace of the Universal Love
A. <Integral Spirit - Research Center > 身心靈科學整合-研究中心
1. Herbert Benson on the mind-body relationship
哈佛_放鬆效應- 身心靈整合醫學
2. Power Of Mindsight 心靈的力量
B.<Social Business Center>- 公益志業中心
5> [Social Business Model - Dialogue in the Dark] 黑暗中的對話
6> [Yunus Social Business Models] -Yunus 社會型企業模式
B.<Special Education Center> 特殊教育中心
1> [The Syndrome of Autism] -認識自閉症-影片【遙遠星球的孩子】
2> [Integral Spirit with Neuron-Science] -腦神經科學 與 身心靈整合
3> [Ten Things a Child with Autism wants you Knew]
-自閉症小孩要您知道的十件事 - [New Post !]
4. [The world needs all kinds of minds - Picture Thinking of Autism]
-講題 : 世界需要不同的思考 - 自閉症小孩的感官思維 - [New Post ! ]
C.<Public Service Center> 服務學習中心
1> [The Angels with Universal Love] 台北市中正國中大愛手服務社
2> [When Love Without Boundary- the Little Sister of the Poor]
當愛無國界 更不分你我 -認識安貧小姊 妹會
3> [The Strategy of Creating a Learning Type of Organization]
4> [Systematic Thinking of Learning Type of Organization]
5.Value Proposition of Learning Type of Organization
服務學習- 核心價值與場域規劃 [New Post]
Speech : Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
[專家講座] 讓天賦自由- 讓創意自由
D.< Universal Love Story - 國際人道關懷中心 >
1> [ Blessing for Japan Earthquake Casualties]
-讓我們一起為日本大地震災民- 祝福祈禱
II. Group Organization:
a. Social Business Angel Group - Public Service Center
b. Social Business Angel Group - Special Education Center
c. Social Business Angel Group - Education Resource Center
d. Social Business Angel Group - Social Creativity Center
e. Social Business Angel Group - Social Business Center
Social Business Angel Group- Established from 2010
III. Group Founder:
Daniel.Liu, MBA National Taiwan University
組織創辦人: 台大MBA 劉光展
Email: social.business.angel.group@gmail.com